In the immediate aftermath of WWII, intelligence officer Callum Ferguson (Jim Sturgess, Across the Universe) must complete his last task for the British Army: convince captured German scientist...
Jake Gyllenhaal stars as Adam Bell, a glum, disheveled history professor who seems disinterested even in his beautiful girlfriend Mary (Melanie Laurent). Watching a movie on the recommendation of a...
Existentially despairing magazine editor Paul Steward (Hal Holbrook) had pretty much decided he was going to wrap up at the office, take the train home to Connecticut... and shoot his fragile wife...
Enemy At The Gates - September 1942. The German Army has advanced to the gates of Stalingrad. The Russian Army holds on desperately. It is so poorly equipped that every pair of soldiers is given a...
Directed by H.P. Carver and filmed in the Canadian Northwest, this portrait of Native American life follows the Chippewa tribe in distress as they travel North when food is scarce just before the...