The incomparable William Castle (The Tingler) directed this unusual western, produced by B-movie icon Sam Katzman (The Giant Claw). After the U.S. government purchases land from Mexico, a cavalry...
Digitally remastered two CD anthology featuring the entire recorded output by the classic British band Cochise. Cochise were unsung heroes of British Rock of the early 70s. Formed in 1969, the band...
The two sons of Apache leader Cochise (Jeff Chandler) have conflicting views of the white men who trespass on their land; Taza (Rock Hudson) argues for peaceful co-existence but his younger brother...
The legendary Johnny Cash's album "P? ?ster?ker" live recorded at ?ster?ker Prison, Sweden, a timeless masterpiece. This was his 43rd overall release. This album showcases Cash's incredible musical...