Marvelously inventive musical romance with Maurice Chevalier as Maurice Courtelin, a charming Parisian tailor whose efforts to help a shady nobleman (Charlie Ruggles) out of a jam magically lead him...
Over the course of an evening at a swanky Slovakian nightclub, a pair of young plumbers (Stano Danciak, Mari?n Labuda) on the make mingle with two secretaries (Jana G?rov?, Jitka Zelenohorsk?) taking...
A cold, passionless Hungarian opera singer is told by her music teacher she will never be a great singer until she experiences love. Also told to her by the teacher is, for her to win the notoriety,...
A showdown decades in the making brings the Donovan family legacy full circle. As the events that made Ray who he is today finally come to light, the Donovans find themselves drawn back to Boston to...
Repressed college student Amy (M?dchen Amick) thought the scarlet cloak she uncovered in her attic rummaging would make a killer dress. How right she was... since the garment was ceremonial apparel...