Isabel Elsom and Ivor Barnard star in the story of Evelyn Dean (Elsom), a woman driven to the edge by her no-good alcoholic second husband Franklyn (D.A. Clarke-Smith). When Evelyn finds out that her...
From acclaimed producer John Singleton (Hustle & Flow, Four Brothers) comes an intense, action-packed thriller about a family's quest for honor and revenge. College student Wilson de Leon, Jr...
When his career as a D.A. unexpectedly collapses, tenacious Victor Scott turns to defending criminal lowlifes. Scruples? "None whatever," Scott says. Edward G. Robinson plays Scott in Illegal,...
In the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Malin, a Russian literature professor at The University of Havana, is sent to translate between Cuban doctors and children sent from the USSR for...