Lindsay Lohan stars in this adaptation of a popular young adults novel as a girl who tries to win the lead role in the school play as a way of fitting in at her new school. Direction: Sara Sugar man...
Disney's "The Lizzie McGuire Movie" serves up the of lovable Lizzie McGuire and her pals Gordo, Kate and Ethan, who go on a wild adventure to Italy! Starring Hilary Duff. Special features include: In...
It's 1982 near San Francisco. 17 year old Gabe wants to marry Jasmine - but as a Jehovahs Witness, he must not lust. Dirty thoughts can banish him from Gods favor - leading to eternal death. Gabe...
The already skittish Elizabeth Richmond (Eleanor Parker) was being driven to the breaking point by a series of threatening letters signed by an unknown ?Lizzie.รท She turns to a compassionate...