INTO THE STORM is a biographical film about Winston Churchill as he leads Britain into World War II. The movie is directed by Thaddeus O'Sullivan and stars Brendan Gleeson, who plays the former...
Every 27 years, the otherwise nondescript town of Derry, Maine, finds itself stalked by a monstrous, sewer-lurking circus clown who lures trusting children to unholy demises. With the local adults...
Dwelling on his past glory as a prize-winning author, Ryota (Hiroshi Abe) wastes the money he makes as a private detective on gambling and can barely pay child support. After the death of his father,...
The Mortal Storm is the story of Hitler's rise to power as seen through the microcosm of one German family. What may seem small and personal is instead towering, a bold revelation of the brutality of...