Bandleader and fiddle player Spade Cooley, the self-styled "King Of Western Swing", was a notoriously colourful character who worked in western movies with Roy Rogers before leading one of the...
A dominant figure in southern California's wartime dance halls, fiddler Donnell 'Spade' Cooley (1910-1969) defined West Coast western swing with a slick, uptown sound. An Oklahoma native raised in...
27 track collection features Spade, one of the kings of western swing, and his occasional vocalist Tex, as well as appearances by Smokey Rogers, Ginny Jackson, Red Egner & Del Porter1. Diggin'...
U.S. guitarist's incredible neo-classical solo debut album. Lion Music.1. Under the Influence 2. Butcher 3. Dark Matter 4. Dominion 5. E.B.E 6. Hillbilly Militia 7. Jazzmine's Song 8. War of the...
Spade Cooley was for several years one of the biggest stars of the subgenre of Country music called 'Western Swing'. He wasn't the biggest as that accolade belonged to Bob Wills but he got close with...