Ravel's opera L'Enfant et les sortil?ges captures an imaginative child's world in which the creatures and objects around him come to life. Wittily portrayed in Colette's inventive libretto and by...
Abdelbasset Abdelssamad was a famous Muslim religious reciter and singer. He was born on January 5, 1927 in Sidi Bel Abb?s, Algeria, and began his Quranic recitation career at the age of 10. He...
Arthur,Marie-Pierre Aux Alentours CD1. Fil de Soie 2. Si Tu Savais 3. All Right 4. Pour Une Fois 5. Encore L 6. Emm Ne-Moi 7. Les Infid Les 8. Chacun Pour Toi 9. Chanson Pour Dan 10. Partir de...
Robineault,Elyse Sortilege CD1. Prends Ton An 2. Le 3. Lib-Moi 4. Quite Sure 5. Je Te Veux 6. Entracte 7. Sortil 8. Encore 9. Dr D'alli 10. Sentence 11. Lettre 12. Y'a Rien