Loadbang releases their fourth album on New Focus, this time featuring centerpieces by Heather Stebbins and Chaya Czernowin as well as music by ensemble members Jeffrey Gavett and Andy Kozar. New...
Dylon,Felipe Felipe Dylon CD1. Deixa Disso 2. Pura Press?úO 3. Me Liga 4. Onda Perfeita - Felipe Dylon, Marcus Menna 5. Mais Perto de Mim [Close to Me] 6. D+ - Felipe Dylon 7. N?úO 8. S?? Penso Em...
Cordeiro,Junior Capa Preta CD1. Morada Aberta (O Exorcismo) 2. O Bruxo Do Cariri Velho 3. Po O Do Amor 4. Alma Nua 5. O Jeito Com Que Mexes Nos Cabelos 6. Malleus Maleficarum 7. Cipriano...
Cult Pure Cult CD1. She Sells Sanctuary 2. Fire Woman 3. Lil' Devil 4. Spiritwalker 5. The Witch 6. Revolution 7. Love Removal Machine 8. Rain 9. In the Clouds 10. Coming Down 11. Edie (Ciao Baby) 12...