Free-wheeling action-comedy starring Woody Harrelson and Kiefer Sutherland as former rodeo companions from New Mexico who reunite to find a friend who vanished while searching for his daughter. Their...
This colorful and exciting film vividly portrays the life of the real working cowboy, a life that has virtually vanished since this motion picture was made by Elmo Williams, Oscar-winning film editor...
When a rancher's regular hands leave him to search for gold, he hires a group of youngsters for a 400-mile cattle drive. When the rancher meets with cruel fate, the boys have the chance to prove...
Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, James Garner. Directed by Eastwood. Decades after being passed over by NASA, four aging ex-pilots finally get their chance to go into space-and...
A group of drug users in the 1960's help finance their habit by robbing drug stores. Directed by Gus Van Sant. Starring Matt Dillon, Kelly Lynch, James LeGros and Heather Graham. Includes: audio...