Vinyl LP pressing. Growing up in San Benito, Texas, the hometown of Freddy Fender, and hitch-hiking across the country exposed Crockett to street life at a young age. Charley returned home to Texas...
Jukebox Charley' is the 4th installment in Charley Crockett's 'Lil G.L. Presents' series of releases, which focus on heartfelt renditions of songs from some of Charley's biggest musical influences...
Jukebox Charley' is the 4th installment in Charley Crockett's 'Lil G.L. Presents' series of releases, which focus on heartfelt renditions of songs from some of Charley's biggest musical influences...
2020 release. Welcome to Hard Times is perhaps even more potent proof of his literal heartbreak than the scar on his chest. After undergoing open heart surgery that saved his life, Charley says he...