Brothers Rick and Marty Lagina are back for the fifth and most exciting season yet of Historys massive hit reality series, The Curse of Oak Island. In this action-packed installment, the Laginas and...
The hunt continues with brothers Rick and Marty's return to Oak Island, as they look for more clues to this 200-year-old mystery. Join the world's longest-running hunt for riches, and discover the...
In Season 3 of The Curse of Oak Island the treasure hunt that has largely taken place above ground goes deep inside the island using the most advanced technology and heavy digging equipment. Will the...
In the action-packed fourth season of Historys mega-hit reality series, The Curse of Oak Island, Brothers Rick and Marty Lagina along with their team pull out all the stops for the biggest and most...
The most exciting and action-packed chapter yet in the 223-year treasure mystery follows brothers Rick and Marty Lagina, along with their team, as they launch the biggest and boldest engineering...