The extraordinary sequel to the solo project from Danzig/Misfits mastermind, Glenn Danzig, Originally released in 2006, this volume further extends Danzig's ambitious classically-themed project taking as it's theme the infamous Lilith, the first wife of Adam! Features a gorgeous cover illustration by well known Marvel comic artist Bill Sienkiewicz! Packaged in a jewel case with a sleek o-card!
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1. Overture: Winged Night Demon 2. Abbandonment / Recreation 3. Zemaragad 4. Lamia 5. Bridal Ceremony Of The Lilitu 6. Dance Of The Succubi 7. Unclean Sephira 8. LCKR 9. The Succubus Feeds 10. Shiddin 11. Demons Reprise 12. Lamenta Lilith