As a family returns home from vacation at the Grand Canyon, they innocently bring home a supernatural force that preys off their own fears and vulnerabilities, threatening to destroy them from...
In this chilling tale of alien terror, a writer (William Devane, Rolling Thunder) takes a personal interest in a series of baffling, shocking murders in Los Angeles... and evidence suggests the...
A man finds a pair of sunglasses in the street that enables him to see into the near future, but unfortunately for some, the future is not so bright. Winner Platinum Award (2008) WorldFest Houston...
Charlton Heston, Lizabeth Scott, Dean Jagger. A crooked card game is the impetus for a stranger in Chicago to commit suicide after he loses a $5,000 cashier's check that belongs to his company. But...
Following the death of her father, Alice (Ruth Wilson) returns home to Yorkshire for the first time in 15 years, to claim the tenancy of the family farm she believes is rightfully hers. Once there...