Featuring special guests Steve Hackett (Genesis), John Helliwell (Supertramp), Troy Donockley (Nightwish), Craig Blundell (Steven Wilson) and Luke Machin Immrama Records and Gonzo Multimedia announce...
Aplin,Gabrielle Light Up The Dark: Deluxe CD1. Light Up the Dark 2. Skeleton 3. Fools Love 4. Slip Away 5. Sweet Nothing 6. Heavy Heart 7. Shallow Love 8. Anybody Out There 9. Hurt 10. Together 11...
Krossfire Shades Of Darkness CD1. The Ninth 2. The Last Ride 3. King Will Come 4. Destiny's Calling 5. One More Time 6. Farewell 7. Fall from Grace 8. Annabelle 9. Glory to Heaven 10. Like a Shadow...