HELLGATE: This post-Civil War yarn was adapted from the story of Dr. Mudd, the physician who attended John Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Lincoln. In 1867 Kansas, veterinarian Sterling Hayden...
Disc One: MASSACRE: Indian treachery leads to tragedy in this made-on-location Western adventure with Dane Clark and James Craig as officers of the law who lead a small group of men into "redmen"...
His name is "D.C." - short for "Darn Cat" - the sleekest sleuth ever to grace the silver screen! Hayley Mills stars as a young woman with an active imagination who contacts the FBI when D.C. suddenly...
High school student Kazuki Muto thinks he's saving a girl from a monster, but it turns out that he's the one who needs saving. Kazuki is killed while fighting a homunculus, a malevolent creature that...