With graduation looming, the residents of an infamous UC Santa Cruz party house prepare to enter the adult world. But when one of the soon-to-be grads (Ben Affleck) talks his pals into remaining on...
NTSC/Region 0. in Goth Daze is a celebration of the scene's heyday during the 1980's. a superb DVD and CD package featuring 18 classic Goth tracks on the CD from artists such as Nico, Alien Sex...
Laurence Fishburne, Giancarlo Esposito. Two rival factions at an all-black college do battle in Spike Lee's second feature, a striking blend of music, comedy and social commentary. 1987/color/114...
This time the turf hits the surf as the students of Billingsley U. ditch campus life for fun, sun and high times on the high seas. When the good ship Surveyor leaves port for romantic Mexico, rules,...