Les F?tes de l'Hymen et de l'Amour was Rameau's first exploration of the world of Egyptian mythology. It's libretto called for magic, gods and extraordinary natural effects to which he responded with...
Set against the backdrop of 19th-century France, Les Miserables tells the story of ex-prisoner Jean Valjean (Hugh Jackman), hunted for decades by the ruthless policeman Javert (Russell Crowe), after...
In 1983, alerted to human remains clogging the plumbing at a North London complex, the police sought out the tenant, Scottish civil servant Dennis Nilsen (David Tennant). They'd be stunned as the...
Sturdy and nuanced "Masterpiece" miniseries take on the Victor Hugo classic spearheaded by Dominic West as Jean Valjean, the former prisoner seeking a quiet and redemptive life, and David Oyelowo as...
Liam Neeson, Geofrey Rush, Uma Thurman and Claire Danes star in director Bille August's film adaptatio of Victor Hugo's stirring novel of redemption and revolution. (1998) Running time: 131 minutes.