The unsolved murders of rap superstars The Notorious BIG and Tupac Shakur are at the center of this true-life crime drama. Almost twenty years after the homicides, disgraced former LAPD detective...
In the world where high school students Yukari and Misaki live, it's a cold and unfeeling government bureaucracy that decides who marries, and the prospective bride and groom are given little choice...
In 1958 Germany, idealistic young attorney Johann Radmann (Alexander Fehling) becomes determined to prosecute the Nazi soldiers who were once assigned to Auschwitz. Radmann must face resistance from...
Elfen Lied: Complete Collection (TV) (2004-2005) - Lucy, a beautiful young mutant, is bred by the military to be the ultimate weapon. Now, with government killers on her trail, the disposition of a...