Brilliant 2013 debut by a band that has already created a name for themselves by intensive touring and energetic live shows. Featuring Klas Holmgren of Gin Lady on guitars, these Ume?-based rockers...
Branigan,Rodney Man 2 Guitars CD1. Man 2 Guitars 2. Heading South 3. Learn to Be Kind 4. Back to Strife 5. Simpled Out 6. Pent Up Fear 7. Nice to See You 8. The Trilogy 9. She Bled 10. The Plagiarism...
Old Man Lizard Old Man Lizard CD1. Cold Winter Blues 2. King Clone 3. Fawza Faith 4. El Doctor 5. Old Hag 6. Craniopagus Parasiticus 7. A Gruesome Mess
The finishing touches to their first album, "Off The Shelf" come to light in the continuing story of John & Mark as they dive deeper into what can now be called the most serious California rock...