A bachelors beautiful, isolated home becomes a hostile prison when his troubled brother returns from military duty in Afghanistan, forcing them to unearth their violent past before another dark...
From the producers of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, CAPRICA and FARSCAPE comes Defiance, the critically-acclaimed action-packed tale of courage and survival. It's 2046 and over 30 years have passed since...
From the producers of Battlestar Galactica, Caprica and Farscape comes the third season of Defiance. Nolan and Irisa return to the ruins of Defiance seven months after the complete destruction of New...
As DEFIANCE's second action-packed season begins, the lives of the townspeople remain in turmoil as Nolan (Grant Bowler) searches for Irisa (Stephanie Leonidas), Amanda (Julie Benz) deals with a...