Chuck Norris (An Eye For An Eye) is in peak form in this explosive action/adventure that brings back one of his most unforgettable characters, Delta Force Colonel Scott McCoy, for a daring mission to...
The ULTIMAX FORCE, an elite group of commandos, a force combining the skills of a Ninja Warrior with U.S Commando training, penetrate deep into Vietnamese territory. Their mission - to liberate a POW...
Storm clouds gather over Europe on the eve of World War II, but the cafes of Paris thrive. Elena (Audie England, Red Shoe Diaries), a beautiful young American writer, reveals her love for Lawrence...
The acclaimed directing debut of poet Maya Angelou focuses on Loretta (Alfre Woodard), a drug- and alcohol-addicted Chicago woman sent with her two neglected children by her mother to live with her...
The boy superhero returns to save the world in this spin-off from the original animated series. When he first happened upon the Ominitrix five year ago, it gave Ben the power to turn himself into 10...