Bad Actress, represents the culmination of a twisting creative path that Turner's patiently been following since his teens. He was a poet, a painter, and the frontman for a rock band before he found his space in Minneapolis' prolific rap scene. The title, Bad Actress, comes from Turner's inability to hide his true feelings, and he's packed the album with unguarded emotions centered around a lifetime of unhealthy relationships, struggles with mental illness, and an indomitable drive to overcome them. Musically, the album draws from every stage of Turner's young career, from the high school rock singer to the scruffy DIY-er who self-recorded his Charle Brwn EP while figuring out the basics of Garageband, to the confident and versatile vocalist he is today, equally at home crooning and screaming as he is rapping over beats by heavy hitters like Ant and MF DOOM.
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1. Tomorrow Party 2. Never Belonged 3. Early Train 4. Gratitude 5. Bad Loves Company 6. Never Knows Best 7. Pneumonia 8. Music Man 9. Ronnie 10. Let Down 11. Burn Out 12. Runnin' Back 13. Born Yesterday 14. Can It Fall 15. Gotta Get Ova