Acclaimed filmmaker Bernard Rose has created a stunning visual feast complemented by a haunting score from iconic composer Philip Glass. Inspired by a race still held annually in Japan, Samurai...
When young Peter McCrea (John Kallo) witnesses a gang murder, he is thrust into a dangerous world where strength and power are the keys to survival. His only hope is Young Park (Julian Lee,...
Epic Action Drama. Set in Japan during the 1870s, the Last Samurai tells the story of Capt. Nathan Algren (Tom Cruise), a respected American military officer hired by the Emperor of Japan to train...
A deadly "Code of Silence" sweeps through Los Angeles as gang violence erupts, taking no prisoners and leaving no witnesses alive. The police find themselves outgunned and out-sword-ed by Fujiyama's...
Muneakira Yagyu always thought he was a gifted student of samurai ways, but when a beautiful naked girl, Jubei, falls from the sky and into his arms, he discovers just how gifted he is. Because when...