A well-respected martial arts teacher and a good husband and father, Su Can's journey begins when his vengeful brother, Yuan, returns from war. Seeking revenge from a dark family history, Yuan, armed...
For his bravery and cunning, the emperor entrusted sleuth Dee Renjie (Mark Chao) with a sacred mace whose ceremonial import-and rumored mystic power-make it crucial to the crown. The conniving...
Import Blu-ray/Region All pressing. When a series of mysterious murders prevents the inauguration of China's first Empress, Detective Dee, the greatest investigative mind and Kung Fu Master of his...
A bizarre murder mystery brings together the most powerful woman in China, the soon-to-be-Empress Wu Zetian and a formerly exiled detective, Dee Renjie at the infamous Imperial Palace. Hoping he will...
In the heart of the Ozarks, the mystery surrounding a chilling crime deepens over three decades, as the acclaimed series returns. Season 2 delivers a riveting new case and a stellar new cast,...