The classic story of an ambitious German girl (Anne Baxter) who joins a traveling carnival and eventually becomes a high-wire superstar. A dramatic love triangle follows when she unknowingly captures...
Thought to be lost with only one other print found, the negative, screenplay, complete 35mm prints, and more were located in November 2009 in an east coast warehouse. Working with the film's...
A young woman in a small Kansas town survives a drag race accident, then agrees to take a job as a church organist in Salt Lake City. en route, she becomes haunted by a bizarre apparition that...
On a hunt for her vanished brother, a teenage girl moves with her parents into a decrepit amusement park whose workforce includes the mysterious Malatesta, his vampiric aide Mr. Blood, a transvestite...
After a series of failed harvests, London-based vineyard owner Philippe de Montfaucon (David Niven) is called back to his ancestral estate in France. Despite orders not to, his wife (Deborah Kerr)...