Shoshone tribesman and Civil War hero Lance Poole returns home with a Congressional Medal of Honor and a saddlebag full of dreams about prospering as a cattleman on his family's land. But American...
A beautiful young woman unlocks a passageway to pure evil in the spine-tingling supernatural sequel to the popular hit, Witchboard. When Paige Benedict (Ami Dolenz, Ticks, She's Out of Control) moves...
Mob boss Louie Ricarno is leaving "the game," quitting the beer-running rackets and settling down in Florida to write his memoirs and live the good life with his new bride. Yet Ricarno's past returns...
A beautiful young woman unlocks a passageway to pure evil in the spine-tingling supernatural sequel to the popular hit, WITCHBOARD. When Paige Benedict (Ami Dolenz, TICKS, SHE'S OUT OF CONTROL) moves...