Raul Torres was a Puerto Rican musician working as a cane cutter in the Everglades of Florida in the late 1960's when he recorded this charming homage to the rural music of his homeland. An...
Barboza,Raul En Vivo En La Argentina CD1. Cherogape 2. Abriendo y Cerrando 3. El Pariente 4. El Estibador 5. Ituzaingo 6. Memorias Del Cardon 7. Carreta Gui 8. Llegando Al Trotecito 9. Carito 10. La...
A tribute to the essence of music, rhythm and exploration of swing as a proper expression of rhythm.1. Civilization (Bongo, Bongo, Bongo) 2. Che Si Fa?... (Con Le Fanciulle?) 3. Non Partir 4. Mamma...