Fania All Stars Que Pasa: The Best Of The Fania All Stars CD1. Ella Fue (She Was the One) 2. Coro Miyare 3. Picadillo 4. Juan Pachanga 5. Donde 6. Foofer Soofer 7. Isadora 8. Fania All Stars' Cha Cha...
Star Club All Time Best CD1. Bad Bullet Boy 2. Kiss My Ass 3. Japanese Title 4. Rape 5. Cool or Suck 6. Japanese Title 7. Japanese Title 8. Die with a Smile 9. Crisis 10. Ecstasy 11. Don't Catch Me...
Zydeco All Stars Best Of Zydeco Instrumentals CD1. My Zydeco Shoes 2. If It's Good for the Gander 3. Dance and Show Off 4. Don't Mess with My Toot Toot 5. Tu Le Ton Son Ton 6. Buckaroo's Blues 7...
W. Oscar Klein-tpt/cl, Werner Keller-cl, Walter Leibundgut-tpt/vcl, Henri Chaix-pno, Peter Schmidli-guitar, Isla Eckinger-bss/trmb, Charly Antolini-drums, Vinzenz Kummer-bass.1. Tremble Kids Clambake...