In 2001, bassist Jonas Hellborg and guitarist Shawn Lane expanded their touring group to include percussionist V. Selvaganesh and his two brothers, Umashankar (percussion) and Umamahesh (vocals), who...
Tony½ Award-winning Broadway musical, inspired by the Oscar½ winning film, tells the impassioned story of love in the 'City of Light'. Jerry Mulligan is an American GI struggling as a painter in a...
In the corridors of power she stands alone, beautiful, unchallenged and ruthless. A woman who has sacrificed her soul for her career, immune to the needs of others, even her son and alcoholic husband.
A beautifully evocative 'night-in-the-life' gay fever dream, 'Down In Paris' follows Richard Barlow, a filmmaker, who, after experiencing an unexplained anxiety attack on the set of his latest film,...
French writer-director Christophe Barratier follows up his nuanced period-drama, THE CHORUS (2004), with this feature about obsessive love and the behind-the-scenes machinations of a prewar Parisian...