A unique demonstration of massed instrumental playing, featuring no less than 48 violinists under the baton of Geoffrey Simon. Three of London's finest sections drive the concept of the violin...
An iconic release that launched a celebrated series of 'London Sound' recordings, this album assembles an unparalleled ensemble of 40 cellos from The London Philharmonic Orchestra, Philharmonia...
Philadelphia's Soul music legends Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, Billy Paul and the Three Degrees performing together live in London. Digitally remastered.1. Introduction - Harold Melvin and the...
Debussy / Bach / London Harp Sound / Simon London Harp Sound CD1. Pr?lude ? L'apr?s-Midi D'un Faune (Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun), for Orchestra, L. 86 2. Chansons de Edith Piaf, Medley for...