Set in San Francisco in 1971, Dirty Harry is the gritty and suspenseful film that follows the story of Inspector Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood), who earns the moniker 'Dirty Harry' for his...
The Dirty Harry gift set includes all 5 hit titles of one of the most famous cops ever to hit the big screen. They include: Dirty Harry, Dead Pool, The Enforcer, Magnum Force, and Sudden Impact.
DIRTY HARRY INCLUDES: ? Widescreen [16x9 2.4:1] Version ? Commentary by Historian Richard Schickel ? 2 Featurettes: Dirty Harry's Way and Dirty Harry: The Original ? Interview Gallery: Reminiscences...
They had no rules, no plan and no way out! This riveting adventure stars Michael Caine as a fuel expert hired to aid a renegade troop on a sure-fire suicide mission: Cross the unforgiving Sahara...