Dive Olly Dive follows the fun-filled underwater escapades of Olly and Beth; two young, unmanned research submarines in training. Under the guidance of their human supervisors at the research...
Join Olly, the young submarine-in-training, and his undersea friends as they discover fun, laugh- ter and amazing pirate surprises in this full- length family movie featuring the voice talents of...
Dive Olly Dive follows the fun-filled underwater escapades of Olly and Beth; two young, unmanned research submarines in training. Under the guidance of their human supervisors at the research...
As Olly and his friends dive deep into the ocean blue, they learn valuable lessons about the environment and each other. For example, when Olly meets a friendly "sea monster," he has to make a tough...
For scuba enthusiast sisters Drew (Sophie Lowe) and May (Louisa Krause), their choice of an isolated location to go below turns devastating when a subsea rockslide pins May to the ocean floor, 90...