Scottish band Django Django have announced Born Under Saturn, the follow-up to their 2012 self-titled debut. The thirteen-track album will arrive May 2015 in the U.S. via Ribbon and May 2015 via...
Django Django who met at art school in Edinburgh, first came to peoples' attentions after a gradual migration to London a couple of years back. 2009's double A-side single 'Storm'/'Love's Dart' laid...
The last years of his life marks a total renewal of the music of Django Reinhardt. The reopening of the Club Saint Germain, in February 1951, and the rapprochement with the new wave of French jazz...
2018 release. After their 2012 Mercury Prize nominated debut and 2015's Top 20 follow-up Born Under Saturn, musical adventurers Django Django are back for 2017, exploring new sounds with Marble Skies...