Dog Day Afternoon on Blu-ray: Based on the true story of a 1972 bank heist gone wrong, this Oscar-winning masterwork showcases Al Pacino as one of the most unusual bank robbers ever to appear on...
After attempting to run US Cavalry Captain Edward Garrett through with a saber, Captain Kern Shafter is disgraced, stripped of rank and court marshalled. Garrett, however, is not ready to bury the...
She plays the cello. He plays the field She's coltishly young. He's worldly and mature Lovestruck conservatory student Ariane knows she's not like millionaire American playboy Frank Flanagan. But if...
One Sunday afternoon in the park, aspiring dentist Biff Grimes (Gary Cooper) meets a beauty (Fay Wray), falls heart over head in unrequited love, and ' despite eventually marrying a pretty, steadfast...
Everybodys favorite wimp, Greg Heffley (Zachary Gordon), is back for three times the fun in the latest film based on the super-popular book series! When Gregs dad (Steve Zahn) threatens to send him...