This spectacular film of Don Quixote, choregraphed after Petipa and directed for the screen by Russian ballet superstar Rudolf Nureyev, is recognized as one of the finest ballet performances ever...
In rural Spain on a commercial shoot, once-promising director Toby Grisoni (Adam Driver) larks over to the nearby town where he'd lensed a student film of "Don Quixote," hoping to locate Javier...
This release features three of the most popular ballets in the original versions created by the world-famous ballet genius Rudolf Nureyev, with the Wiener Staatsballett, one of the greatest companies...
The Elegance Series is a collection of breathtaking Ballet performances from internationally renowned houses with well-loved Dance Stars. They feature productions by the greatest choreographers that...
Claudio Desderi, Mario Cassi, Grancisco Gatell, and Laura Giordano star in this 2006 Ravenna Festival production of the Donizetti opera with Riccardo Muti conducting the Orchestra Giovanile Luigi...