Death Waltz Recording Company is proud to present the complete score to director Michele Soavi's 1991 horror film, THE SECT (Italian title: LA SETTA), also known as THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER. This demonic...
Donaggio,Pino Patrick / O.S.T. CD1. Deadly Needle 2. Car Scene 3. First Day 4. Kathy Meets Patrick 5. The Lift 6. Patrick Spits Museum 7. Kathy Enters 8. Cassidy Dies 9. Patrick Computer 10...
Donaggio,Pino Blow Out / O.S.T. CD1. Theme from BLOW OUT 2. Jack Saves Sally 3. Hospital to Motel 4. Jack on the Move 5. Jack Cuts Pictures 6. Freddie Is Miked/Freddie and The Mobsters/Dead Freddie 7...