Twenty-one year old Josh (Skarsgard) tries to convince his roommate/best friend, Zane (Koufos), to join him at a party. Zane declines the invitation, claiming he has to study, but instead decides to surf the web for some new porn. A sexually graphic pop-up catches Zane's attention; he can't take his eyes off the screen... what kind of porn is this? He takes the bait- he clicks. Later that night, Josh comes back to an empty apartment. Zane's laptop is still open but there's no sign of Zane... something doesn't feel right. Zane's laptop screen starts flashing and that's the last thing Josh can remember as he groggily wakes up to find Zane in a dank, surreal cellar with no way out. Josh tries everything he can to save both his friend and himself from a dangerous entity that begins to take control of their bodies and minds, but his biggest challenge to escape may be himself.
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