An erotic love triangle finds a young drifter who is beaten by thugs and rescued by an immigrant worker who nurses him back to health. The drifter develops a crush on a waitress and the three young...
DON't SLEEP is a new band from Harrisburg, PA and Washington, DC featuring Dave Smalley, the singer of influential hardcore and punk bands such as DAG NASTY, DOWN BY LAW, D.Y.S., and ALL, as well as...
Jessica Alba speaks the language of seduction in this tantalizing story of forbidden love set against the backdrop of the steamy jungles of 1930's Sarawak. A beautiful tribeswoman (Alba) becomes both...
The masters of classic horror (Basil Rathbone, John Carradine, Bela Lugosi, and Lon Chaney, Jr.) gather together and meet in a spooky old house in which a crazed scientist creates frightening human...
Robert Mitchum (THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER, CAPE FEAR) stars as Philip Marlowe in THE Big Sleep, a 1978 reimagining of the Raymond Chandler classic. When London-based Marlowe takes on what appears to be...