Deep down in the catacombs of Paris, between piled-up bones, damp air and the sense of our own mortality, Candlemass mastermind Leif Edling unexpectedly found new and sinister inspiration. For...
Limited red colored vinyl LP pressing. Reissue. Doomsday Machine is the sixth studio album by Swedish melodic death metal band Arch Enemy, produced by Rickard Bengtsson and mixed by Andy Sneap. It...
Underneath his mysterious metal mask, MF Doom hides the cachet underground legends are made of. After his first group KMD's sophomore album Black Bastards was shelved by Elektra in 1994, and his...
Doomsday Goes Away isn't merely an album; it stands out as a testament to Haystack's unwavering significance in the power-rock-noise-landscape. It's ten fearless tracks echo a mantra of raw...