1. Congratulations - the Dorsey Brothers Orchestra 2. I'm Just Wild About Harry - Jimmy Dorsey 3. After You've Gone - Jimmy Dorsey 4. Tiger Rag - Jimmy Dorsey 5. Tiger Rag - Jimmy Dorsey 6. St. Louis Blues - Jimmy Dorsey 7. Dixie Lee - Chick Bullock 8. Delta Bound - Chick Bullock 9. Dawn Patrol 10. Good Night, Lovely Little Lady 11. (She Walks Like You, She Talks Like You) She Reminds Me of You 12. Hold My Hand 13. Sweet and Simple 14. Nasty Man 15. My Dog Loves You Dog 16. How Do I Know It's Sunday? 17. Judy 18. May I? 19. Love Thy Neighbor 20. I've Had My Moments 21. On Accounta I Love You 22. So Help Me 23. Easy Come, Easy Go 24. Annie's Cousin Fannie (Is a Sweetie of Mine) 25. Bugle Call Rag - Victor Young ; His Orchestra