Jack Webb, Harry Morgan. This popular 1960s police drama culled from real police files focuses on the crime-negating activities of two LAPD detectives-Joe Friday and Bill Gannon. Setting the stage...
Airing on NBC, Dragnet 1967-1970 was the second run of the highly popular Dragnet TV series. The show focuses on two detectives - the no-nonsense Sgt. Joe Friday (Jack Webb) and hard-nosed Officer...
Get ready for all the real-life crime stories of the most influential police drama in the history of television: Dragnet 1967. Producer, creator and director Jack Webb stars as tough-as-nails...
Jack Webb, Harry Morgan. This iconic TV cop drama set the stage for every show of it's type that followed. Sgt. Joe Friday, one of the most unforgettable TV characters of all time, and his partner...
Highway Dragnet 1954 Since being discharged from the marines, Korean War vet Jim Henry can't seem to catch a break. ßFirst, a slot machine eats his money. ßThen he's assaulted by Terry Smith, a...