In a land where battles are fought with swords and magic, a young heroine rises to glory as Templars, mages, and dragons clash. Cassandra, a brash and beautiful warrior, must stop a conspiracy that...
James F. Fulton is the pugnacious hero who must save Ruth Clifford from Robert McKim's slick villain. Features popular dancer Sally Long in a supporting role. Two fisted gent Gerald Kenworth has come...
Stephen (Brian Paulin, who wrote and directed) and Ian (Rich George) are drug dealers who spend a wild, sex-filled night with two beautiful but mysterious women. When they awake, they feel...
Patrick Swayze trades his dancing shoes for a broadsword in this futuristic action epic set on a barren, post-apocalyptic landscape. A community is besieged by a cruel warlord (Anthony Zerbe) intent...