The movie "Dragon Ball Super Broly" was released in 2018 and became a hit with a worldwide box office revenue of 13.5 billion. This is the original soundtrack for "Dragon Ball Super Super Hero," the...
Descendants of the Red Ribbon Army's sinister leaders have renewed their quest for world domination. As their two ultrapowerful androids seek their own brand of justice against Earth's heroes,...
With Supergirl (voiced by Meg Donnelly) struggling to acclimate on Earth, her cousin Superman (Darren Criss) proposes she train alongside metahumans her own age-some ten centuries in the future, at...
RWBY/JL Crossover Part Two (BD) On the heels of successfully escaping a deadly digital trap, the Justice League emerges in their own world to discover that Grimm, ravenous creatures from Remnant,...
In 1979, a group of small-town Ohio teenagers accidentally films a train wreck while making a Super 8 movie. The sudden arrival of the military and a series of bizarre occurrences prompt the kids to...