While Goku recovers from injuries suffered during battle with the Saiyans, his friends begin their perilous quest for the Namekian Dragon Balls. Awaiting their arrival on Planet Namek is the powerful...
The evil wizard Babidi embarks on a quest for vengeance, seeking to fulfill his father's thwarted dreams of universal domination. Supreme Kai enlists Goku and the Z-Fighters to stop Babidi and his...
Majin Buu's rampage continues, and the only hope of defeating this terrifying foe is the Fusion Technique. For this desperate plan to succeed, two fierce rivals, Goku and Vegeta, must combine their...
Humanity nears extinction as Cell achieves his deadly perfect form! Eager to display his new power, the monster proposes a tournament. If Earth produces a worthy challenger, whether be it Goku or Mr...
Goku is missing, and a new breed of villain prepares to wreak havoc on Earth. Armed with knowledge of this looming menace, a Super Saiyan arrives from the future to deliver a grave warning: The...