Dream Logic is Matt BachmannEs newest album? a hypnotic blend of teary ambient-pop songs and cinematic instrumentals. It's 11 tracks stretch and experiment with genre while holding true to a natural flow. Fans of BachmannEs last two (and vastly different) Orindal releases? Walking Preference (2019) and Unconditional Love (2018)? will appreciate the way Dream Logic manages to expand on both. Up until this record, I had carefully contained my musical styles into neat collections? recording songwriting material under the moniker "Big Eater," recording jazz-oriented instrumental music under the moniker "Pachanga," and recording repetitive melodic drone music under my own name, says Bachmann. "The guiding principle behind Dream Logic was to integrate these modalities of music making, allowing whatever was going to come out to come out, and not worry if it made sense. The album was recorded mostlyalone, with Bachmann shaping sounds with guitar pedals or his cassette console's Varispeed functions, slowing down or speeding up tracks to interesting results. Influenced by his years playing bass and recording with Mega Bog, Bachmann enlisted a large cast of players to fill out the record with decorative charms. Kyle Boston (Guitar) and Brady Custis (Production/Guitar) helped lay the foundation for Dream Logic's textual roux before Boggers Derek Baron (Drums), Will Murdoch (Synths), James Krivchenia (Percussion), and others added their signature spices to the sonic cauldron. Though lyrically sparse, Bachmann makes what is uttered on Dream Logic count. His sad reflections and hazy rearview images indirectly illuminate some of the more difficult moments from his life inparticular, the loss of his father in 2013 to Lou GehrigEs disease. Theexuberant, vibraphone-heavy single "Apple Pie" is a tribute to hisfather's baking hobby that he continued even as his mind began todeteriorate; "My Dad and His Boat" references a story repeatedly toldby Bachmann's grandmother that may or may not have been colored by her growing dementia. Each of these memories is presented as a fragment from some subconscious association, causing a muscle to tense up before flying away as quickly as it came. All are mindfully followed by the space to reflect?or zone out?as one sees fit.
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