In the nine years since her 4-year-old son Tom perished in a lakeside accident, Jodie Walsh (Jill Halfpenny) watched her marriage and business disintegrate. The day she saw teenaged Daniel Tanner...
Private eye Lew Harper is in deep this time. Hired by an old flame to unravel a seemingly routine blackmail case, he's so far down he may never come up for air. Paul Newman returns as the...
After well-to-do bookseller Edouard Lestingois (Charles Granval) rescues a tramp from a suicidal plunge into the Seine, his family adopts the bum and dedicates itself to reforming him.
Two young people are brought together by a tragedy that has touched both of their families in this refreshing and honest love story. Stefanie (Gleendilys Inoa) is a teenaged girl whose family has...