Duo Drunken Kong step up for their Drumcode debut. The residents at Tokyo's legendary Womb have a distinct sound signature, as dreamy melodic and vocal elements rub shoulders with the pair's...
Originally released in 1993, but now fully remastered with original full color sleeve, this 5-track EP was produced by LOUIE VEGA, with help from MAW pal KENNY 'DOPE' GONZALEZ, ERICK 'MORE' MORILLO,...
Limited seven inch vinyl pressing. Putting his spin on the Band's 'Evangeline' with help from Freakwater's Janet Beveridge Bean and backed with 'Satin Sheets,' written by Willis Alan Ramsey, Drunken...
Eli Brown steps up to unveil his highly anticipated debut release on Drumcode. The UK artist hailing from Bristol has long been on Adam Beyer's radar. He made his debut on Drumcode's sub label...