Driving alone on a desolate, deserted desert road, a humble businessman is continuously harassed, tormented and chased by a maniacal, snarling, smoking, roaring eighteen-wheeler. Direction: Steven...
In late-14th-century France, Norman knight Jean de Carrouges (Matt Damon) was stunned when his wife Marguerite (Jodie Comer) leveled an accusation of rape against his squire and best friend Jacques...
After their powerful father is brutally murdered, the Saxon Brothers hire a group of bounty hunters to bring suspected killer Philipp Wermeer to justice. But when grizzled Sheriff Clayton saves the...
Lang Jeffries, Fernando Sancho, Femi Benussi, Carlos Gaddi. A unique Euro-western with the hero as an astrologist who wears a leopard suit. Sure, there's a revenge theme, but overall this is a...
He (Robert Montgomery) is the leader of a notorious gang. He wants to settle down. She (Ann Robinson) says she will marry once he has proved his newfound virtue. His former gang buddies have other...