Digitally remastered edition. The Mr. Magoo character was created in 1949 by Millard Kaufman for animation studio UPA and voiced by Jim Backus. Instantly popular, Mr. Magoo would win two Oscars for...
Quartet Records, in collaboration with EMI Music Publishing and GDM, celebrates the centenary of iconic filmmaker, author, poet and intellectual Pier Paolo Pasolini with this remastered reissue of...
Oscar nominee Denis Villeneuve ("Arrival," "Blade Runner 2049") directs "Dune," the big-screen adaptation of Frank Herbert's seminal bestseller of the same name. A mythic and emotionally charged...
Judgment Night (OST) Original Soundtrack CD - Every song on the soundtrack was a collaboration between hip-hop artists and rock artists. rapROck1. Just Another Victim 2. Fallin' 3. Me, Myself ; My...